Miyerkules, Nobyembre 30, 2011

a minute dilemma.

I keep wondering why some people are still doing things that are leading them to pain. Why do some people give in to the things that they know for sure, would cause them so much trouble. Why do people keep on following their hearts? In other words, why do people keep on doing things that they know are wrong, but still do this things though they know what really is right.

WHY DO I? ;x why do i have to suffer this much. I did not expect this to happen. It’s like, i was caught by my own trap. I knew from the very beginning that there’s something wrong. But, i did nothing. I followed myself. The selfish me. I’m being paranoid now, ryt? I know you can’t ride. I just wanted to spill it out here. My thoughts. my aches, my worries, my REGRETS.

Well, it started out like this. I was fooled. By the eyes, the smile, the voice. I didn’t know. I was hypnotized. But I knew, that there was a little voice inside of me, telling me to abstain. But I did nothing. I was really blinded. I can’t handle it. The charm, i was mesmerized, really. I don’t even recognize myself. All I wanted that moment was a bliss. paradise. I can’t imagine I was fascinated with just a couple of minutes.

I was into THAT. Hours have passed. THAT was in my hands. in my heart. in my life. I know being with THAT would be not good. It was quite an unusual feeling for me. And so, I did not let it go. Go on, i said.

Days passed by, i was really in a bliss, but half of me, was in vapors. Despair knocks in my heart. And slowly, I was realizing that I have to stop what I’m doing. It does not do any good. I started to hurt some people dear to me. Because of THAT i was changed. I changed into someone i can’t recognize. “This is not me,” i whispered. But then, THAT was still inviting me to bliss. It was hard for me to refuse, honestly. I felt I was in a clash. It took me some time to think of it.

As time flies, THAT became so unnatural. I was surprised. I pictured our scenery, it was like I started to peel off the skin of a banana. But, it was not me. I guess that little voice inside me made me see how THAT really looks like. I mean, it really would cause big trouble. I started to peel off those lies that hindered me from seeing the truth. I was in reality now. That was ain’t no bliss.

THAT was into great thirst. THAT wanted me to relieve it’s thirst. I can’t. I mean, it’s not good. I will be vanished. If that is so, I wanted to just pop like a bubble.I became so disturbed. I need to do something. I don’t want to give in again. I need to block THAT from entering me. I can’t let THAT abduct me again.

I started to affront THAT. It was angry. It left me. THAT hurt me a little, yeah. But I have to let it go. Things are not going out so well, I need to fix them up. And the only way to fix them is to let go of THAT.

And so, THAT was gone. I was in recovery for now, I guess the climax left an imprint in me. I still have that after-shock. A hang-over, I guess. I know things would be better now. THAT stopped, I think.

There are certain things in life, that we just can’t understand, we can’t let go, we can’t forget. But all I can say is, we have to let go of the things that we know are not good. We have to decide from the very beginning not to play with these wrong, unexpected, foolish visitors. like THAT. It will just ruin your life. It will kill your fire. THAT is a water that killed my fire. And I won’t let it happen to me for the second time.

If we know for certain that what we’re about to do is wrong, then, without any hesitations, cut it. Right away

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